Mark Daniels

Comic books go to war

Italia 2009/65’00’’/ col

Reg./Dir.: Mark Daniels;
Sceneggiatura/Script: Mark Daniels;
Anim.: Machine Molle, Mauro Vincentini;
Suono/ Sound and Music: Dave Roche, Ben Avishai, Nicolas Dalban, Fabrice Malivel, Cecile Chagnaud, Amelie Canini;
Prod: GA&A Productions.

This documentary explores the journalistic, aesthetic and political implications of
reportage through the comics, a new way of reporting in which terrible experiences such as wars and genocides are narrated by using drawings.

Mark Daniels

Mark Daniels. Directed his first film in 1978.
Since then his works have received a number of acknowledgements and international awards.